Hi! I'm Hana Ransom

I was born in Hokkaido, the most northern island in Japan.

After graduating from Tsuda University, a college in Tokyo, with a BA in English Literature, I received a master’s degree in education from the University of Texas at Austin located in Austin, TX USA. I began my career as a translator doing PR translation for a Japanese newspaper in New York City. I then started working on localization projects (translating product information and services into Japanese) for GAFAM and other world-renowned top companies and was highly praised for my work.

In my career I have worked with more than 50 clients located not only in Japan and the United States, but also in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Romania, Israel, New Zealand, and other countries around the world.

I currently live both in Texas and Hokkaido, Japan. Along with translation, I am active in various other fields, such as teaching Japanese at an American university, publishing books on the English language, interpreting, and blogging and vlogging (YouTube) about translating and the English language.

Hana Ransom




I translate documents carefully following the client’s instructions. I'm an experienced translator and do business all over the world.


I interpret at business meetings and conferences, wherever a client needs me. I become a bridge to connect you to the world.

Japanese tutoring

I offer private Japanese lessons for students wherever they are in the world. If you are interested in taking Japanese lessons don't hesitate to contact me.


Contact Form


Please note:
I do English to Japanese translations only. If you wish to request Japanese to English translation, I will introduce you to my American husband who is also a translator.

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